Field work in Inner Mongolia and on Qinghai-Tibetan-Plateau, China

Measuing wilting point on the Tibetan Plateau

I had the chance to join a field trip to China and help local researchers in their measurements (mostly on belowground biomass) along a rainfall gradient in Inner Mongolia. In addition, I measured wilting points of Potentilla fruticosa and Kobresia sp. and recorded soil moisture dynamics nearby Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station to adapt the model EcoHyD to alpine grasslands of the Tibetan Plateau.

Sebastian Fiedler
Sebastian Fiedler
Postdoctoral researcher

I am a researcher in the Ecosystem Modelling department at the University of Göttingen in Germany. I am applying simulation modelling and empirical approaches to assist restoration of degraded ecosystems people rely on for their well-being.
