Summer School in Coimbra, Portugal

The use of Trait Based approaches in Community Ecology and Stress Ecology (14th to 18th September 2015)

Beautiful view over Coimbra during lunch break

I attended a summer school in Coimbra (Portugal) that provided updated concepts and methodologies on the use of biological and ecological traits in Community Ecology and Stress Ecology, encompassing terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Particular attention was given to the use of species traits to understand ecological processes, such as niche partitioning, species interactions, community assembly and ecosystem processes, and as tools in bioindication schemes (including indication of ecosystem services and different stressors, e.g., chemicals, climate change). Lecturers were Francesco de Bello (Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic), Matty P. Berg (VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Lars Götzenberger (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic).

Sebastian Fiedler
Sebastian Fiedler
Postdoctoral researcher

I am a researcher in the Department of Plant Ecology at the Technical University of Berlin in Germany. I am applying simulation modelling and empirical approaches to assist restoration of degraded ecosystems people rely on for their well-being.
