Spring School in Rencurel, France

Bayesian calibration, forecasting and multi-model predictions of process-based vegetation models (5th to 10th May 2017)

Very beautiful venue for a training school

Funded by COST Action FP1304 PROFOUND I went to Grenoble or more precisley to beautiful Rencurel in France to learn more about the following topics taught by the lecturers David Cameron (CEH, UK), Michael Dietze (Boston University, US), Florian Hartig (University of Regensburg, GER), Francesco Minunno (University of Helsinki, FI), and Björn Reineking (IRSTEA, FR):

  • Introduction to Bayesian methods for the calibration of vegetation models
  • How MCMCs work and how to set them up for process-based vegetation models
  • Choosing priors for process-based vegetation models
  • Interpreting Bayesian / MCMC outputs
  • Forecasting best predictions and uncertainty
  • Ensemble modelling and model averaging
Sebastian Fiedler
Sebastian Fiedler
Postdoctoral researcher

I am a researcher in the Department of Plant Ecology at the Technical University of Berlin in Germany. I am applying simulation modelling and empirical approaches to assist restoration of degraded ecosystems people rely on for their well-being.
