Research Stay in Berkeley, USA

Blue shuttle bus downhill from LBNL

In my PhD project I aim at synthesising the role of plant traits on the resilient supply of multiple ecosystem services, and to understand potential trade-offs among them across Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Facilitating this, I went to the US for three months working together with Dr. Jennifer Holm and Prof. Dr. Trevor Keenan at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in Berkeley in California. During my stay, I had the chance to accompany Dennis Baldocchi, Siyan Ma, Joseph Verfaillie, and Jennifer Holm to visit the field site Tonzi Ranch located in the lower foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains which is characterised by blue oak savanna woodland.

Funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Sebastian Fiedler
Sebastian Fiedler
Postdoctoral researcher

I am a researcher in the Department of Plant Ecology at the Technical University of Berlin in Germany. I am applying simulation modelling and empirical approaches to assist restoration of degraded ecosystems people rely on for their well-being.
