Field trip to Sumatra, Indonesia
After 1.5 years since starting my PostDoc position at the University of Goettingen in the EFForTS project on sustainable use of rainforest systems, I can finally get to know our research sites on Sumatra in the Jambi Province in person. I visited the different oil palm management experiments (biodiversity enrichment, reduced fertilizers and herbicides) and forest plots, and was also able to participate in some data collection on-site (predation assessment through dummy caterpillars, pollination by stingless bees, bird species richness). Getting to know rainforest, oil palm plantations and local people personally was very enriching for me. This video summarizes the project well but also my personal impressions on site. It was a time that I will not soon forget. I will be back because there is so much more to discover. Thanks to everyone who made my trip so valuable.